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Yangxian Restaurant: Mutton Hot Pot at Lane 13, Ratchada, Thailand

Yangxian Restaurant is located in Lane 13, Ratchada, Thailand.

You may search “Yangxian guan (羊鲜馆)” on Gokoo (悟空) or Fly Delivery (飞象) for food delivery service.

Yangxian Restaurant is the best place for friend gatherings, especially for Chinese people living in Bangkok.

Here we have various mutton dishes, mutton hot pots, and stir-fries here. Order our food to let our delicacy arrive at your home.

Call: 0968123108 (WeChat ID: hanrx12345)

*Top-quality mutton. No smell guaranteed. Best food for freezing days.*

As you turn into Lane 13 of the prosperous Ratchada, walk 100 meters straight and you’ll see a red sign saying “Yangxian Restaurant (好味羊鲜馆)”.



Yangxian Restaurant 好味羊鲜馆

Address: Ratchada soi 13,Huaikhuang (Turn into the lane and walk 200 meters. The restaurant will be on your right side. There’s a parking lot ahead.)

Phone: 0969510332

WeChat: hanrx12345
