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Quality Products 2024-06-11

【TW】Dae by Day: Floral Tea Fragrance and Authentic Taiwanese Flavors

【TW】Dae by Day: Floral Tea Fragrance and Authentic Taiwanese Flavors

Renowned Brands at Taiwan Food Fair, in Singapore Department Store

Dae by Day was established in 2014, drawing inspiration from the Taiwanese word "Dae." The Chinese character of "tea" has characters of grass, person, and wood in it, symbolizing people among nature. With tea, we add a touch of fragrance to our everyday lives.

The homophone "Dae" also symbolizes the word "Day," representing daily life. Inspired by 365 days in the year, with each day offering a different tea flavor, we craft blended tea that capture the essence of Taiwan. With a fresh perspective on the long-standing culture of tea drinking, we aim to make "drinking tea" a way to appreciate and enjoy life.



Breaking Away from Traditional Tea Impressions to Craft Youthful Taiwanese Tea

How to make the image of Taiwanese tea more youthful and modern is both the mission and challenge of Dae by Day. Throughout the process of developing the products, we communicate with tea factories to understand the origins and sources of various Taiwanese tea leaves and other ingredients, to check if any artificial flavoring is added. We work with suppliers from different regions and seasons, strictly overseeing the entire process from production to sales. Each product went through various tests and formula adjustments, just to ensure it offers the best flavor and taste. While tea should be simple to drink, the process of making tea is indeed a deep and profound knowledge!

Dae by Day uses high-quality, locally sourced tea leaves from Taiwan, collaborating with local small farmers. We blend these tea leaves with seasonally harvested herbs and flowers according to our unique golden ratio, while following a strict no-additives policy. To make tea drinking easy and convenient, we use tea bags instead of loose leaves. The original flavors are perfectly preserved in pyramid-shaped tea bags, introducing Taiwanese Tea to global consumers with our "blended tea", and show our emotional connection with Taiwan.



Combine Local Agricultural Products to Give 'Tea' New Life

When we saw the Magnolia Flowers in Gaoshu Township, Pingtung, piled up and often discarded if not sold by street vendors, it was truly disheartening. This inspired us to combine 'Magnolia Flowers' with 'Tea.' To better preserve the nostalgic fragrance, we decided to experiment using different teas. After dozens of failed attempts, we finally discover the optimal blend, successfully recreating this unique Taiwanese memory with our newly crafted blended tea, the "Dae 005 White Magnolia Pouchong Tea."

Dae by Day has since continued to discover excellent ingredients from local small farmers in Taiwan, such as medicinal-grade ginger, edible organic roses from Puli, and longan flowers from Zhongliao, creating flavorful blended teas that embody the taste of Taiwan.



Commitment to Sustainable Farming and Traditional Craftsmanship

Dae by Day’s tea plantation is located in Songboling, Mingjian Township, Nantou, a location surrounded by pristine forests. The fertile land is rich in nutrients and trace elements, giving our tea leaves a more aromatic and sweet aftertaste compared to ordinary tea. We use scientific planting methods, employing an integrated crop management system to manage the tea plantation. Also, with grass cultivation we increase the biodiversity in the plantation to achieve ecological balance, ensuring sustainable development for consumers' health, the land, and farmers.

Dae by Day products are regularly sent to SGS for international certification, providing a guarantee of safety. Our pyramid tea bags use PET material imported from Japan, also SGS certified, ensuring peace of mind for consumers.
Dae by Day insists on using traditional craftsmanship, feeling the softness of tea leaves by hand, removing raw tea flavors through continuous resting and stirring, to achieve a sweet fruity aroma before roasting, producing smooth and delicate tea. With Taiwanese tea as the base, we create the best blended tea of optimal ratios, using flowers and ingredients grown by local small farmers, while also adhering to our strict additive-free principles. All tea leaves and ingredients are cultivated following sustainable agriculture practices, without chemical fertilizers.


Supporting Local Farmers for Sustainable Developments

Behind Dae by Day, is a group of small farmers who persevere using traditional farming methods. Living in the homeland of tea, they have deep feelings for this land. Despite facing pressures from the modernization of  agriculture and commercial tea plantations, these farmers remain steadfast, devoted to infusing each cup of tea with their belief and heritage. This unwavering commitment is why Dae by Day collaborates steadily with these Taiwanese local tea farmers and small farmers.

To promote environmental friendliness and sustainability, our product packaging uses FSC™ certified paper and recyclable materials, and is printed with eco-friendly soy ink to reduce environmental impact. We also plan refill pack for our products to reduce consumption and achieve sustainability goals.


Dae by Day
Dae by Day
No.1 Blended Tea Brand in Taiwan

With high-quality, locally sourced tea leaves from Taiwan and collaboration with local small farmers, we blend these tea leaves with seasonally harvested herbs and flowers according to our unique golden ratio, following a strict no-additives policy. We aim to introduce Taiwanese Tea to global consumers with our "blended tea", and show our emotional connection with Taiwan.


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